Excelitas’ 1100 Series Lite-Pac Trigger Modules contain the socket interface and the high voltage elements necessary for operation of the short arc Xenon flashlamps. They are designed to operate from any 1100 Series supply. The Lite-Pac also contains EMI suppression circuitry to diminish radiated and conducted noise associated with high peak discharge currents. Epoxy encapsulation ensures overall operational and environmental stability as well as high voltage containment. Connections between the power supply and Lite-Pac Trigger Module are made through shielded cables.
Several models of the 1100 Series Lite-Pac Trigger Module are available which allow for various mounting configurations. For applications where long leads between the Lite-Pac and power supply are required, the discharge capacitor is located within the Lite-Pac. This insures the maximum transfer of energy into the flashlamp. When the discharge capacitor is located within the power supply or external to the Lite-Pac, it is recommended the leads of the Lite-Pac be kept as short as possible to limit lead impedance
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