Endeavor J-Series Fiber Laser Marking System: Setting New Standards in Industrial Marking Solutions

The Endeavor J-Series fiber laser marking system represents a breakthrough in industrial marking technology, combining four decades of laser expertise with cutting-edge innovation. This remarkable fiber laser system engineering achievement maintains a perfect operational record - with zero field failures. Engineered and manufactured in the USA, this advanced system delivers unprecedented precision, reliability, and versatility for demanding manufacturing environments.

Endeavor Fiber Laser Systems

With over 40 years in the laser service and repair industry, we decided to use our experience to create the best fiber laser system on the market.

Endeavor: Fiber Laser Applications

The Endeavor fiber laser system is a turn-key, Class 1, fully enclosed, full feature fiber laser workstation.

The Endeavor is designed to replace an existing flash lamp, diode pump, CO2, and other legacy laser systems.

Industrial Laser Endeavor Series Options

TJS has three industrial fiber laser marking system options released and available now.

Endeavor RETRO: Fiber Laser Applications

Designed to be a replacement system for any existing flash lamp, diode pump, CO2, or other existing laser system, the Endeavor RETRO is a versatile, powerful fiber laser marking system.

Medical Laser Parts and Repair

With advancements in medical lasers making greater and greater strides all the time, it is important to know that any medical laser you add to your office is fully supported throughout the life of the laser.

Finding a reliable source for commonly replaced laser parts (like flashlamps) and experienced service personnel in case something goes wrong is the key to keeping your laser running and productive.

TJS Welcomes a New President of TJ Sales

From Tony Molee, Chairman of the Board:

After nearly 40 years, I have decided to transition from President of TJ Sales to the role of Chairman of the Board. The company and I are proud to announce that Michael Dancsecs will assume my role as President, effective March 1, 2019.

TJS Lasers at SPIE Photonics West 2017

This year, SPIE Photonics West was held from January 28 to February 2 in beautiful San Francisco. With over 20,000 people in attendance and 1,380 exhibiting companies, Photonics West is the largest multidisciplinary event for photonics in the world. Show goers from all over the world came out to see, learn, and purchase the latest devices, components, and systems in the optics and photonics industry.

Cynosure PicoSure: Medical Laser Service and Repair Options

Recognized as the first picosecond laser, the Cynosure PicoSure laser system offers amazing results in tattoo removal and skin revitalization. For sites looking to add the Cynosure PicoSure laser system we offer repair and service options for Cynosure PicoSure 755m/532nm laser systems.

Endeavor- J Series Fiber Laser Debuted at 2016 SPIE Photonics West

We were thrilled to get a chance to debut our Endeavor J-Series fiber laser at the 2016 SPIE Photonics West conference.