Laser Cutter Repair

With experienced technicians available on-sight and in-house, we can make quick work of your laser cutter repair job. In fact, we offer a number of maintenance, training, and repair services.

Laser System Components

High quality replacement laser system components are a must for any laser system operator. Even the most reliable and easy to maintain systems need replacement parts from time to time, so finding a supplier with a large stock, reliable service, and quick replacement time is key.

GSI Lumonics, JK OEM Flashlamps, Parts, In-House Repairs, and On-Site Service

GSI Lumonics/JK laser systems are known as reliable laser systems for precision spot welding in the automotive, electronic, medical, and mechanical industries. However, even the most reliable laser systems periodically will require replacement components and service. TJS, Inc. provides OEM quality flashlamps, parts, and comprehensive in-house repairs and on-site service for GSI Lumonics/JK laser systems.

JK Lasers Enhanced CW, Lumonics, and General Scanning GSI,  Pulsed Lamps

Genuine GSI OEM lamps out-perform all others. GSI Group, in close co-operation with its lamp supply partners, has made significant enhancements to its range of laser arc and flash lamps.

These new and improved OEM lamps are in addition to the current range of standard JK lamps and have a significantly longer service life. The range of lamps available extends to both new model JK lasers and older JK700 series lasers.

Candela Laser Service and Repair

We repair and service cosmetic, aesthetic & medical lasers made by Candela including Gentle Pro, Alex Trivantage, VBeam Perfecta, and Smooth Peel.

Happy Holidays from everyone at TJS Lasers

Happy holidays from everyone here at TJS Inc.!

Candela Laser Parts

TJS, Inc. provides reliable, comprehensive laser support and OEM quality Candela laser parts for Candela laser systems.

TJS Welcomes a New President of TJ Sales

From Tony Molee, Chairman of the Board:

After nearly 40 years, I have decided to transition from President of TJ Sales to the role of Chairman of the Board. The company and I are proud to announce that Michael Dancsecs will assume my role as President, effective March 1, 2019.

LuxStar LX-50 Laser Welding System

The GSI Lumonics series of LuxStar® lasers can address a wide range of precision spot welding applications in the electronics, medical, automotive and fine mechanics markets.

GSI Lumonics Flashlamp Pumped Laser Systems

GSI Lumonics laser systems are most often used for a wide range of precision spot welding application in industries as diverse as automotive, medical, electronic, and fine mechanics markets.