In the ever-evolving world of laser technology, one innovation stands out for its remarkable combination of economy, reliability, and performance: the fiber laser.
Performing regular service for your laser and IPL equipment makes sure that you are not losing precious time to out-of-service equipment.
Medical professionals need an IPL repair service partner they can trust, so maximize your laser up time with TJS Lasers.
The Endeavor fiber laser system is a turn-key, Class 1, fully enclosed, full feature fiber laser workstation.
The Endeavor is designed to replace an existing flash lamp, diode pump, CO2, and other legacy laser systems.
The Endeavor J-Series and Endeavor RETRO maintenance-free MOPA fiber lasers offer our customers the confidence and stability they have become accustomed to when dealing with TJS.
The attached pictures demonstrate a problem with marking on curved surfaces and a feature in the Endeavor Prolase 7 laser marking software called Correct Cylindrical Distortion.