Technical Support and Laser Repair for a Control Laser Signature

Posted by Randy Lusignan on 11/2/11 8:32 AM

Hello Randy.

Thanks for the update. I sent the message to the warehouse crew to try and coordinate this-I have been tied up in meetings. This time of year is very busy- budgets, evaluations, goals for next year, equipment planning,etc.  I sent our PLC guy over for moral support. Again, I really appreciate your support in helping us resolve this. It is not frequent that we get a vendor that is so proactive in troubleshooting.

We will get ours installed and repeat the procedure once it arrives.  Again, thank you.


**Notes - This is for technical support and repairs to a Control Laser Signature laser.

laser service, laser repair, laser components

Topics: Testimonial, Control Laser Signature, Laser Service and Repair